Turks & Caicos
Part of the Lucayan Archipelago, Turks & Caicos like the Bahamas, is considered a part of the Caribbean though they are technically located in the Atlantic rather than the Caribbean sea. Stretching over 238 square miles, Turks & Caicos is made up of two island chains. The Caicos chain is made up of larger islands like Provo, while the Turks chain is made up of smaller islands like Grand Turk and Salt Cay. Both chains are famous for miles of sparsely populated white sand beaches, excellent scuba diving locations, especially off the coasts of Grand Turk, South Caicos and Salt Cay, the stunning coral reefs and huge schools of fish, gray reef sharks, nurse sharks, turtles, octopuses, eagle rays, gray reef sharks at West Caicos Marine National Park, watersport activities including jet skiing, parasailing, and amazing resorts with golf courses, tennis courts, and spectacular spas.
Since the original inhabitants of the Turks & Caicos were enslaved by the Spanish and removed from the islands, the territory doesn’t have a distinctive cuisine or culture. The official language is English, and the currency is the US dollar, which makes it easy for visitors from North America. Peak tourism season in the Turks and Caicos runs from January through April, which is mostly because of the high threat of hurricanes during the other half of the year.
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