Tigre Delta
Covering over 5,405 square miles, the Tigre River Delta is among the largest in the world, and is one of the only major deltas that does not empty into a sea or ocean, flowing instead into the Río de la Plata, which separates Argentina and Uruguay. All the houses in the area are built on islands, with no roadways connecting them. People travel by boat, and services like groceries and medical facilities are also offered by boat. In this respect, the area is similar to Venice.
Visitors typically take a boat ride through the many waterways of the Tigre Delta to see some of the islands and houses. One of the most famous sights is the house of former Argentine President Domingo Sarmiento who lived there for nearly three decades. The house is currently enclosed in a glass box to protect it from the elements. One of the other major sights on the boat journey is the Museo de Arte de Tigre.
The name Tigre itself is derived from the jaguars that once roamed in this area before the British arrived and transformed it into an important wicker and fruit market. The architecture in the area still has a lot of British influence, with several Victorian and half-timbered mock Tudor style houses.
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