Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego
Ushuaia, the capital of Tierra del Fuego, is the southern most city in Argentina and the world, with only 1,100 km (680 miles) separating it from the coast of Antarctica. Bounded on the north by the snowcapped Martial mountain range and on the south by the Beagle Channel, a strait between Chile and Argentina, Ushuaia is one of the most breathtaking destinations on the planet.
There are several tourist attractions in the area, starting with the islands in the Beagle Channel, home to one of the largest penguin colonies outside of Antarctica, and seals, orcas and other wildlife. Other attractions include Tierra del Fuego National Park, a treasure of unspoilt nature filled with rivers, lakes, glaciers and high granite peaks, the “End of the World” train (Tren del Fin del Mundo) which operates between Ushuaia and Tierra del Fuego National Park, and the iconic “Lighthouse at the End of the World.” Ushuaia is also the gateway for almost all tourist trips to Antarctica. Travelers board cruise ships here for the voyage past Cape Horn towards Antarctica.
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