Piazza Venezia
Located almost in the geometric centre of Rome, Piazza Venezia is where several of the largest thoroughfares in the city intersect including the Via dei Fori Imperiali (which leads to the Roman Forum) and the Via del Corso. The Piazza is named after the Palazzo Venezia, which overlooks the square. It was built by the Venetian Cardinal, Pietro Barbo, who later became Pope Paul II. Close to the Palazzo Venezia stands San Marco Church, founded in 1336 by the Pope Marco, restored in 1792 and rebuilt in 1833 (the tower is the only original part of the church).
The most imposing part of the piazza however, is the outstanding Monument of Victor Emanuel II (‘Il Vittoriano’), the first king of Italy, which was built between 1855 and 1911 to celebrate the unification of Italy. One part of the monument is the Altar of the Fatherland, an altar of the goddess Roma, and also the Tomb of the Unknown Italian Soldier. On the opposite side (the north side of the piazza) is the Palazzo Bonaparte (home of Napoleon’s mother) and Palazzo delle Aste, with the Via del Corso in between.
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